Download binary domain xbox
Download binary domain xbox

download binary domain xbox

The look of a futuristic and isolated Tokyo is impressive and sometimes even jaw-dropping, and the robotic enemies are better than you might first suspect. There are still some major flaws both in the design and the technical side of things, but the overall presentation is actually very, very good. Binary Domain is a game that is better than it has any right to be judging by the promo art.

download binary domain xbox

I am glad to say that I was proven wrong, for the most part. Throw in Sega’s recent track record of publishing me-tacular, and color me skeptical. Even the name felt slightly uninspired, and the generic cover art of “hero guy” shooting at something while screaming wasn’t going to make it to poster size to adorn too many walls. I had seen the game in various stages of development, and it looked alright but was fairly unremarkable in the bits and pieces that were displayed. I have to admit, I wasn’t sure what to expect from Sega and Yakuza Studios’ Binary Domain.

Download binary domain xbox